The successful treatment of various kinds of pain is the reason for increased public interest in acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Following is a list of pains and discomforts that acupuncture can effectively treat:
a. Musculo-skeletal pain:
back pain - herniated discs, lumbago, stiffness, spasms
neck pain - torticolis, stiff neck and shoulders
tendonitis – elbow, hand, shoulder
bursitis – hip pain
joint pain due to sprains or strains
knee pain
chronic joint inflammation
carpal-tunnel pain
headaches and migraines
Foot pain - Plantar fasciatis, heel spur, gout, bunions
b. sports injuries
c. numbness and tingling
d. neuropathy
e. car accidents
f. post-operative pain
g. plantar fasciitis
We encourage patients to call us with any questions in regards to the possible treatment for relevant problems. We offer a free fifteen minutes phone consultation prior to your first visit.